Sports analytics

Our group

In the field of sports analytics, scientific research, economics and lively social interest meet, so sports analytics is becoming an increasingly popular field of research, development and business.  Our Sports Analytics research group currently consists of 2 PhD, 4 MSc and 2 BSc students. To expand the group, we are waiting for students to apply!

Based on match statistics and event logs, as well as multi-camera video footage, we build models to understand players, teams, tactics and predict decisive events.  Among others, we are also looking for answers to such complex questions: How can AI models be used to help improve a team's performance?  Does a given player fit the unique style of a particular team or play system? Did the player make a statistically supported decision in a given situation? What is driving the transfer and player evaluation market?

Our answers to such questions are exciting for both the casual viewer and die-hard fan, but we put the emphasis on helping the work of coaches, player observers and players.


HSNLab is an internationally renowned research group of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.  The lab consists of 20 teaching-researchers and 40 PhD and MSc students, and in the past nearly 30 years it has successfully applied for numerous domestic and international research funding and led projects in IT and telecommunications networks, cloud services infrastructure, Internet of Things and data analysis. In addition to the grants received, the research success is also demonstrated by the prestigious international publications and the high number of university students involved in their work.


Data mining

Big data

Machine learning

Cloud computing

Artificial intelligence

Internet of Things


Laszlo TOKA

toka (at)

BME I building, 1117 Budapest Magyar tudósok körútja 2., Tel.: +36 1 463 1576